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Seminars on Thursday

These seminars are only available on Thursday 14th November 

PrincipalMeet 2024

PrincipalMeet 2024 is an opportunity to listen to your fellow principals share good practice, practical ideas and personal insights into primary education and leadership, on a diverse range of topics. Each speaker will have approximately 5 minutes to speak on their given topic, so attendees will leave with several examples of good practice that may be relevant to your school context.

Date, time & location TBC

Leading a small school


This seminar will be an opportunity to reflect upon both the challenges and opportunities that present in leading a small school. Perspectives, experiences and practices will be shared with a view to equipping participants with ideas that could be tried in their own schools.

Date, time & location TBC

Assessment and progression in the context of the new Primary Curriculum Framework

Assessment has traditionally been underdeveloped in Ireland. Department of Education-led CPD has been lacking and focused on standardised tests. The Primary Curriculum Framework provides an opportunity to re-evaluate the role of assessment and place it at the centre of learning and teaching. We will explore further in this seminar.

Date, time & location TBC

Dignity and Respect at Work – prevention, de-escalation, resolution

This session explores how Dignity at Work can promote a positive and respectful school culture and ethos, enhance relationships and guide stakeholders as they navigate and manage complex situations. Participants will reflect on their own thinking and explore how using Dignity at Work reduces ‘destructive conflict’ using solution-focussed thinking.

Date, time & location TBC

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