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Dr. Fidelma Healy Eames

Fidelma is a primary teacher, teacher educator, author, researcher, education and careers’ consultant.
Her enduring interest is making learning easier for all learners. Passionate about working with teachers and schools to enable learners to develop the mindset and skills to take ownership for their own learning and self-development, she is a former primary teacher and acting principal. Her specialist research areas include literacy learning, writing education and the creative process and more recently, the gifted learner.

She is an accredited tester with the British Psychological Society in the areas of personality, ability, occupation and educational testing (2022).

Today she is Director and Lead Educator with Study & Careers,, an education, wellbeing and careers’ provider in Oranmore, Co. Galway. Services include providing CPD for schools, teachers and workplaces; career guidance for students and adults in career transition and educational testing.

Fidelma is adjunct faculty in teacher education with Hibernia College.

Her publications include:
‘The Gifted Learner: How to Help’ (Pavilion, 2022)
‘Switching on for Learning: A Student Guide to Exam & Career Success’ (2006) (available

A former Senator, Councillor and Education spokesperson, Fidelma has always seen schools, teachers and principals as key agents of change for the common good. She maintains an active interest in policy and public affairs and is a regular media contributor.

She is delighted to be invited to address the IPPN conference in Killarney this year.

Seminar Facilitator

Seeing the gifted learner: Why they matter

Date, Time, Location TBC

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